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 Home Give Thanks

Celebrate this festive season with a touch of sweetness. Say asante to your family, friends, or that special someone. A little gratitude goes a long way, because there’s a Glass & A Half in everyone.

Give Thanks
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 The Generosity Map

The “GeneroCITY Map” is a fun and easy-to-use tool that shows you acts of sharing, kindness, generosity, and selflessness across Kenya. It helps you see and track these good deeds, inspiring others to do the same. Share your acts of generosity and see how they make a difference.

GeneroCITY Map









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From a friend,a confidant,a sister and now family,I want to appreciate you for always being present,I lack words to say…10yrs+ thanks so much.


Words are not enough to describe how grateful I am for being a caring and supportive wife, I can’t wait for that trip we have always wanted so that we can share some Cadbury chocolates,because they always light you up with the unique sweetness they hold. Thank you Cadbury for providing this platform to share this message from my heart and wishing Chepchumba safe delivery in the coming days.


Despite all the challenges thrown to you ,your family,friends or anybody around you you have never hesitated to help them even when its not enough for you.It has not been an easy journey but you have showned us your kids that all can be conquered you have denied yourself some joy to see us happy and provide for us everything that we need.We just want to thank you and i hope your kindness will be repaid a billion time better I will.


My best memory is when my Siz had bought some curd berry chocolates from her dates and we ate some and leftvone packet in the fridge not knowing everyone was aiming to eat that one packet the next morning the next morning ibwoke up very early and went and took the chocolate just to find out six people in the kitchen holding the bar of chocolate we laughed and we decided to share. The last piece we toasted in the airfor one to catch.


Happy birthday Amina may all your dreams come true, please work hard and get a first class hons or second upper to get a scholarship. Remember to work on improving your self esteem and get rid of your social anxiety. Happy birthday Amina, I love you so much. Always smile. Treat yourself to a cake, pizza and chicken biryani, don’t forget to buy birthday birthday candles to make a wish and blow off.


Dear Polo,
I hope this message finds you wrapped in the warm glow of happiness. I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for everything you do. Your presence in my life is a gift that I cherish more than words can ever truly convey.
As I savor the rich, velvety goodness of a Cadbury chocolate, I am reminded of the simple pleasures in life that bring us joy. Hope you enjoy the message.


Hey love, I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for everything you do and for always being there for ud. Your love and support mean the world to us, and I feel so lucky to have you by my side. I appreciate you more than words can say. Love you always!


Dad, you’ve sacrificed so much for us to be who we are today. Even though we sometimes forget even to appreciate all your hard work taming it as your responsibility. But I’ve come to understand it’s a privilege to have you as a Dad. August 23rd was your birthday i wished to take you and Mom for a vacation in Mombasa but i couldn’t due to finance issues. I wish you well, happiness and Love Dad may God bless you abundantly.


Hey Nanaa (Linda Beryll Minayo Mwandishi)
You are amazing.
Your friendship to me is more than a sister.
Growing up I never experienced a sisters love but in you I find all that I could ever ask for.
You are amazingly amazing.
How you’ve held me been there for me when I thought my world was falling apart encouraging me, praying for me and being there. Coming into my world after 15years and fitting in so perfectly. I love you.


Having you as a friend is the greatest thing that has happened to my life. I like your vibe and thee way you cherishes everything.
It would be really nice to continue having you as a friend.


Though you’re not here with me, i want to thank God for the time i had you and both of you for the countless sacrifices you made and the unwavering support you offered my sisters and i.The lessons and values you taught us have remained our guiding light day in day out. I miss you. In honor of you,i cherish this moment with some Cadbury chocolate as an appreciation treat that reminds me of the sweetness of our memories with each bite.


Thank you so much Dad for always being kind and loving to us ,we love you and we cherish the moments,thanks for always buying us Cadbury chocolates during visiting time and Christmas.


Hi Bro,
You are the reason my childhood has been special, my teenage memorable, my grown-up years unforgettable, and my whole life remarkable. Thank you brother. When God gave me you for a brother, little did He know that He was giving me the whole world. Thanks bro.


Your support has made a world of difference, and this season, I want to say a special thank you. With Cadbury, I’m turning this small gesture into a sweet memory we’ll both treasure. Here’s to the generosity and warmth that make work feel like home


Dear mum as we celebrate one anniversary of our dad on 11/10/2024..I would like you to know that I feel your love in my life have been so have holding us together since then..your love feels or rather taste like that of cadbury chocolate..and compare you and Cadbury as the best quality of love I would want any time of my you my Cadbury love you mum.


The first time I tasted the dairy milk chocolate bar I was around 12 years and I was in church I couldn’t afford to buy one so a friend shared hers with me the feeling was so amazing after that I started salivating and craving for more. I wish I could go back in time and re-live it again.


The bes chocolate ever it’s so sweet makes you forget pain also the taste and the size of the chocolate is amazing makes you want more everytime it’s the best chocolate ever made and it made every kids smile even adults thank you soo much cardbury for making our childhood filled with sweetness due to your most amazing chocolate ever the best one ever made in the whole world it made a lot of people smile I think it’s the best ever made


I want to take a moment to remind you just how much you mean to me. Your presence in my life brings warmth and joy that I cherish deeply. In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to overlook the little things, but I want you to know that every moment with you is a treasure.
I will always love you. Remember, ngale ne njale.


You are such a generous person regularly spoiling me ad most the chocolates always in my handbag ad my bedside drawer has a piece of Cadbury chocolate courtesy of you.i can explain by words but my heart springs joy.i will never hv enough words to thank you enough but my heart Will always hv a place for you.


Cadbury, an amazing company that made my childhood so so wonderful.I’d long for a bar or two in my childhood. I remember every single time we went with my mum at the supermarket, she would sacrifice whatever she had irregardless of her financial status just to get me a bar. For some reason it gave me a feeling of fullfilment. Long live Cadbury world


Thanks a lot my husband.your kindness has really filled my heart just from the very first day I met you.You changed my life not only my life but also my entire family…I can’t even have words to express it but deep inside my heart you own a bigger space.i can recall the day my mum was sick and I needed money urgently and I had nobody to turn to but you were there for me…and you changed everything..kudos Mr Ben my love be blessed love.


Dear mum,
As bright as the sun shines it always seems to remind me of your smile.. the beautiful moments we’ve had as a family, couldn’t have been possible without you, you built this family as your own.. this message is to thank you for being there. I love you always.


Hy mom (aunty) I right this letter to you to say thank you for everything. Thank you for taking my mom to school.thank you for taking us when we lost our parents .you have never treated us bad but instead you have treated us as your own biological children.God bless you mom.i pray that you heal From cancer .healing is your portion mom.blessings mom and we love you soo much.


I would like to thank you for the sweet memories we shared, for the kindness you showed me‚ and most of all for sharing your love with me.. not to mention how you never forgot buying me my favorite snack Cadbury chocolates (top deck mint)


Your kindness has always brightened my days, and this festive season, I want to say a special thank you. With Cadbury, I’m turning this moment into a sweet reminder of how much you mean to me. Let’s celebrate the joy of friendship together!


This season of giving, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for always being there. With Cadbury by my side, I’m turning this ‘thank you’ into a sweet moment we’ll cherish forever. Here’s to family, love, and unforgettable memories.

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