Shared Memories

I will never forget that day I still remember it like it was yesterday was my girlfriend's birthday and I only had few bucks on me to make her say her day so special and after long search from... read more

Rabbison Manda

I being a sweet tooth most of growing. Any opportunity to take a taste of a sweet, biscuit or chocolate was taken full advantage of. Yet Mum always monitored our intake of chocolate, it was prized to be given one... read more

Dalitso Malasa

Gabriella Banda

This memory is about someone who will forever remain special to my heart, Rose. She was one of the best friends I've ever made, and in my heart, she will always continue to be. She was the kindest, coolest, sweetest,... read more

Ivwananji Sichone

I remember some time in 2021 when I was dating my now husband. He travelled all the way to ndola for my birthday to bring me a surprise gift. It was a pleasant surprise indeed. He brought me a bouquet... read more

Mumba Samantha Mondwa

Tabakamulamu Sebitwane

My siblings and i love cadbury . But me and my sister always preferred the white one. So dad bought some but we only saw one white chocolate. We both started chasing each other around but then I realised i... read more

Felistus zulu

Lovejoy Zizhou

Play Image

Pexina Lukwanda

Natasha Sinkala

Mom's smile was as warm as the melted Cadbury chocolate she'd let me lick off the spoon. Baking with her was our special bonding time. She'd measure out the ingredients, and I'd get to mix, always sneaking a bit of... read more

Lukundo Haamukwanza

My mum's trip to England brought back a sweet surprise - a box of Cadbury chocolates! From the first bite, I was hooked. But mum thought she could hide the box from me. Little did she know, I had already... read more

Kaoma Mfula

Mum had this grand tradition where she'd buy a bar of Cadbury dairy milk chocolate. Like it was some sort of rare treasure. She would call my siblings and i to gather around. "Gather 'round, everyone!" she'd proclaim, we'd all... read more

Doreen Sishekanu

One of my fondest memories is from a late summer evening when I decided to confess my feelings to Liam, the charming man who had recently moved to our village and taken over the old bookstore. I brought him a... read more

Elizabeth Tembo

Luyando Joy Konayuma

For my 8th birthday, my dad asked what I wanted. I didn't hesitate and said a slab of Cadbury all to myself! Until then, I shared with cousins, but I wanted a whole slab. My dad smiled and got me... read more

Lukundo Haamukwanza


Grace Chipeta

From the time my fiance and I met 5 years ago, Cadbury has always been part of our journey. From the very beginning he knew I loved chocolate but not just any, this one in particular. It always surprised him... read more

Ruth Mulombe

The most heart warming memory I hold dear to my heart My current boyfriend knows just how much I love my Cadbury chocolates so when he decided to try he's luck he asked me out with a gift box full... read more

Collette May

So it was my dads 50th birthday and I was wondering what I would get him to make his day extra special . I was a broke high school girl so my options were limited. So I decided to go... read more

Luyando Mbozi

Cadbury company has been best in making snack products.It was on my 24th birthday when hubby bought chocolate milk products and placed them on top of the cake... They were so delicious and sweet testis from that time until now... read more

Martha Kafula

Hi Cadbury! Where do I even start! I Have so many memories with you and here is the best one. For the last 4 years, each time I'm on my period, I have received chocolate from my boyfriend. Cadbury chocolate... read more

Chanda Christine Kabanga

Memory Kangwa

My grandma's secret stash of Cadbury Flakes was the best treat ever! But what made them even more special was baking with her. We'd take slabs of Cadbury Flake and grate them on her metal grater, the sound of the... read more

Lukundo Haamukwanza

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Joann Kananda

I remember my high school days at a boarding school in Mkushi. As students, we didn't have access to any shops except for the tuck shop. It was stocked with a wide range of items, but nothing was more precious... read more

Dalitso Miti

My favorite Cadbury memory, though I have a lot was on my mother's birthday on 15 July 2022. I surprised her with four different cadbury chocolate. I didn't have an enough funds so I got her a cup and placed... read more

Subila Kabaghe

Edith Mwiinga

When you take a bite of a Cadbury Dairy Milk bar, the sweetness hits your taste buds first, followed by a wave of creamy milkiness that coats your tongue. As you savor the chocolate, the flavors deepen, revealing hints of... read more

Celine Libimba

Cheelo Mwanachingwala

I remember when I was very young my grandmother's cousin who is a nun would come visit us and always bought us chocolate. She would buy three flavours; CadburyTurkish, mint and top deck but my personal favourite was the Turkish... read more

Mumanga Dumbwizi

Dora Nawa

I cherish the memory of when my grandma surprised me with a thoughtful gift from Choppies on her way from Choma. She had been thinking of me and wanted to encourage me to pass my Grade 7 exams. With a... read more

Lukundo Haamukwanza

Eversince I was a little girl, Cadbury dairy chocolate has always been a sweet part of my life. My Parents always made sure that every birthdays and Christmas holidays was inclusive of cadbury chocolate, this brought lots of cheerful sweet... read more

Pexina Lukwanda

Bwalya Mubanga Gondwe

Cadbury has been one of the favorite chocolate that keeps our relationship...wen I was pregnant I wouldn't eat anything apart from. Cadbury....and wen my husband visited me in the hospital he brought me Cadbury and that day I was upset... read more

Joy Makawa

Chewe Lupupa

Edith Mwiinga

Tamara Kaonde

One of my fondest memories of eating Cadbury chocolate takes me back to a rainy afternoon with my daughter. The weather outside was dreary, with raindrops tapping against the windows, but inside, it was warm and cozy. My daughter handed... read more

Peter Mhone

Margret Chilufya

Lukundo Haamukwanza

Kapambwe Munyoro

Growing up i always admired Cadbury chocolates whenever we went grocery shopping at our local grocery store. I couldn't afford one because it was never on the grocery list. When my Dad noticed how much I wanted to have a... read more

Namweemba Kaliba

Remember working on the farm with my siblings to earn Christmas money? Our hearts were set on Cadbury chocolates! We'd toil in the fields, dreaming of creamy milk chocolate and rich, velvety smoothness. Finally, payday arrived, and we'd rush to... read more

Lukundo Haamukwanza

"I remember it was my birthday and I was at home just having a normal day, my best friend came over to say happy birthday to me and give me a gift, the gift was two Cadbury chocolate bars and... read more

Akane Annie Chisha

On a bright afternoon in my bustling hometown, I decided to treat myself to a bar of Cadbury Dairy Milk. Unwrapping the iconic purple packaging, the rich aroma of cocoa instantly lifted my spirits. The first bite was sheer bliss‚... read more

Ivwananji Sichone

Hie,my name is Addiona I'm 21 years old.My favourite Cadbury,memory is when I was 13 years old and my dad was ill at that time ,he had been admitted in the hospital for almost two weeks and I hadn't seen... read more

Addiona Nyasha Onyimo

Remember working on the farm with my siblings to earn Christmas money? Our hearts were set on Cadbury chocolates! We'd toil in the fields, dreaming of creamy milk chocolate and rich, velvety smoothness. Finally, payday arrived, and we'd rush to... read more

Lukundo Haamukwanza

Victor Chifamba

Who would have thought that my love for Cadbury would lead to a lifelong friendship? It was at boarding school, where my friend (let's call her the Cadbury Queen) would sneakily sell chocolates to satisfy our sweet tooth. One day,... read more

Lukundo Haamukwanza

During my attachment program last year, a co-worker's daily kindness introduced me to the magic of Cadbury chocolate. Every morning, without fail, she handed me a Cadbury bar. At first, I simply stacked them up, unable to finish them all.... read more

Maureen Masherinah Kimario

Musonda Nakazwe

For as long as I can remember, Cadbury chocolates have had a special place in my heart. My late dad always made it a point to bring lots of the really big bars of chocolate every time he came home... read more

Tinanganji Banda

My favourite thing to cheer me up on a low day is Cadbury chocolate especially Top deck. I was going through a tough time at one point and my best friend Kenny would get me chocolate every chance he could,... read more

Hellen Chimwemwe Masona

Play Image
Play Image

Tabakamulamu Sebitwane

Chewe Lupupa


Luyando Joy Konayuma

Musonda Nakazwe

Memory Kangwa

Natasha Sinkala

Kapambwe Munyoro

Victor Chifamba

Margret Chilufya

Edith Mwiinga

Edith Mwiinga

Lukundo Haamukwanza

Cheelo Mwanachingwala

Grace Chipeta

Bwalya Mubanga Gondwe

Dora Nawa

Lovejoy Zizhou

Tamara Kaonde

Gabriella Banda

Remember working on the farm with my siblings to earn Christmas money? Our hearts were set on Cadbury chocolates! We'd toil in the fields, dreaming of creamy milk chocolate and rich, velvety smoothness. Finally, payday arrived, and we'd rush to... read more

Lukundo Haamukwanza

During my attachment program last year, a co-worker's daily kindness introduced me to the magic of Cadbury chocolate. Every morning, without fail, she handed me a Cadbury bar. At first, I simply stacked them up, unable to finish them all.... read more

Maureen Masherinah Kimario

Cadbury has been one of the favorite chocolate that keeps our relationship...wen I was pregnant I wouldn't eat anything apart from. Cadbury....and wen my husband visited me in the hospital he brought me Cadbury and that day I was upset... read more

Joy Makawa

Hi Cadbury! Where do I even start! I Have so many memories with you and here is the best one. For the last 4 years, each time I'm on my period, I have received chocolate from my boyfriend. Cadbury chocolate... read more

Chanda Christine Kabanga

Cadbury company has been best in making snack products.It was on my 24th birthday when hubby bought chocolate milk products and placed them on top of the cake... They were so delicious and sweet testis from that time until now... read more

Martha Kafula

I remember some time in 2021 when I was dating my now husband. He travelled all the way to ndola for my birthday to bring me a surprise gift. It was a pleasant surprise indeed. He brought me a bouquet... read more

Mumba Samantha Mondwa

Hie,my name is Addiona I'm 21 years old.My favourite Cadbury,memory is when I was 13 years old and my dad was ill at that time ,he had been admitted in the hospital for almost two weeks and I hadn't seen... read more

Addiona Nyasha Onyimo

One of my fondest memories of eating Cadbury chocolate takes me back to a rainy afternoon with my daughter. The weather outside was dreary, with raindrops tapping against the windows, but inside, it was warm and cozy. My daughter handed... read more

Peter Mhone

My favourite thing to cheer me up on a low day is Cadbury chocolate especially Top deck. I was going through a tough time at one point and my best friend Kenny would get me chocolate every chance he could,... read more

Hellen Chimwemwe Masona

The most heart warming memory I hold dear to my heart My current boyfriend knows just how much I love my Cadbury chocolates so when he decided to try he's luck he asked me out with a gift box full... read more

Collette May

My mum's trip to England brought back a sweet surprise - a box of Cadbury chocolates! From the first bite, I was hooked. But mum thought she could hide the box from me. Little did she know, I had already... read more

Kaoma Mfula

Mum had this grand tradition where she'd buy a bar of Cadbury dairy milk chocolate. Like it was some sort of rare treasure. She would call my siblings and i to gather around. "Gather 'round, everyone!" she'd proclaim, we'd all... read more

Doreen Sishekanu

When you take a bite of a Cadbury Dairy Milk bar, the sweetness hits your taste buds first, followed by a wave of creamy milkiness that coats your tongue. As you savor the chocolate, the flavors deepen, revealing hints of... read more

Celine Libimba

One of my fondest memories is from a late summer evening when I decided to confess my feelings to Liam, the charming man who had recently moved to our village and taken over the old bookstore. I brought him a... read more

Elizabeth Tembo

Mom's smile was as warm as the melted Cadbury chocolate she'd let me lick off the spoon. Baking with her was our special bonding time. She'd measure out the ingredients, and I'd get to mix, always sneaking a bit of... read more

Lukundo Haamukwanza

For as long as I can remember, Cadbury chocolates have had a special place in my heart. My late dad always made it a point to bring lots of the really big bars of chocolate every time he came home... read more

Tinanganji Banda

Remember working on the farm with my siblings to earn Christmas money? Our hearts were set on Cadbury chocolates! We'd toil in the fields, dreaming of creamy milk chocolate and rich, velvety smoothness. Finally, payday arrived, and we'd rush to... read more

Lukundo Haamukwanza

Eversince I was a little girl, Cadbury dairy chocolate has always been a sweet part of my life. My Parents always made sure that every birthdays and Christmas holidays was inclusive of cadbury chocolate, this brought lots of cheerful sweet... read more

Pexina Lukwanda

My grandma's secret stash of Cadbury Flakes was the best treat ever! But what made them even more special was baking with her. We'd take slabs of Cadbury Flake and grate them on her metal grater, the sound of the... read more

Lukundo Haamukwanza

I will never forget that day I still remember it like it was yesterday was my girlfriend's birthday and I only had few bucks on me to make her say her day so special and after long search from... read more

Rabbison Manda

I cherish the memory of when my grandma surprised me with a thoughtful gift from Choppies on her way from Choma. She had been thinking of me and wanted to encourage me to pass my Grade 7 exams. With a... read more

Lukundo Haamukwanza

From the time my fiance and I met 5 years ago, Cadbury has always been part of our journey. From the very beginning he knew I loved chocolate but not just any, this one in particular. It always surprised him... read more

Ruth Mulombe

For my 8th birthday, my dad asked what I wanted. I didn't hesitate and said a slab of Cadbury all to myself! Until then, I shared with cousins, but I wanted a whole slab. My dad smiled and got me... read more

Lukundo Haamukwanza

Who would have thought that my love for Cadbury would lead to a lifelong friendship? It was at boarding school, where my friend (let's call her the Cadbury Queen) would sneakily sell chocolates to satisfy our sweet tooth. One day,... read more

Lukundo Haamukwanza

On a bright afternoon in my bustling hometown, I decided to treat myself to a bar of Cadbury Dairy Milk. Unwrapping the iconic purple packaging, the rich aroma of cocoa instantly lifted my spirits. The first bite was sheer bliss‚... read more

Ivwananji Sichone

I remember my high school days at a boarding school in Mkushi. As students, we didn't have access to any shops except for the tuck shop. It was stocked with a wide range of items, but nothing was more precious... read more

Dalitso Miti

This memory is about someone who will forever remain special to my heart, Rose. She was one of the best friends I've ever made, and in my heart, she will always continue to be. She was the kindest, coolest, sweetest,... read more

Ivwananji Sichone

So it was my dads 50th birthday and I was wondering what I would get him to make his day extra special . I was a broke high school girl so my options were limited. So I decided to go... read more

Luyando Mbozi

Growing up i always admired Cadbury chocolates whenever we went grocery shopping at our local grocery store. I couldn't afford one because it was never on the grocery list. When my Dad noticed how much I wanted to have a... read more

Namweemba Kaliba

I remember when I was very young my grandmother's cousin who is a nun would come visit us and always bought us chocolate. She would buy three flavours; CadburyTurkish, mint and top deck but my personal favourite was the Turkish... read more

Mumanga Dumbwizi

I being a sweet tooth most of growing. Any opportunity to take a taste of a sweet, biscuit or chocolate was taken full advantage of. Yet Mum always monitored our intake of chocolate, it was prized to be given one... read more

Dalitso Malasa

"I remember it was my birthday and I was at home just having a normal day, my best friend came over to say happy birthday to me and give me a gift, the gift was two Cadbury chocolate bars and... read more

Akane Annie Chisha

My siblings and i love cadbury . But me and my sister always preferred the white one. So dad bought some but we only saw one white chocolate. We both started chasing each other around but then I realised i... read more

Felistus zulu

My favorite Cadbury memory, though I have a lot was on my mother's birthday on 15 July 2022. I surprised her with four different cadbury chocolate. I didn't have an enough funds so I got her a cup and placed... read more

Subila Kabaghe

Chocolate Image Chocolate Image